For 3 months I had the amazing privilege of fostering the sweetest dog I've ever known: Buddy. Ever since I was little, I have wanted to foster for a rescue organization and when I moved out on my own back in January, I thought this was the perfect time to do it! So I began fostering for an organization called Ruff Patch Rescue. I found them when I went to an adoption even in December of 2009 at REI and fell in love with this little pooch named Eli (I will post a picture soon!). He was an elder Lhasa Apso with hardly any teeth and a tiny little bony body. I wanted to adopt him but decided it wasn't the best time for me to own a dog, so instead I began (finally!!) my fostering career starting with little Buddy. He came to me from another foster parent with energy, energy, energy!! He was always like a toddler, wanting to know everything and know where I was at all times, but then at nap time, he was out like a light.
I developed a great sense of stewardship and responsibility over this guy and as time went on I thought "What was I thinking, thinking
I could foster a dog without falling in love??" I seriously considered adoption, but had to remind myself of the commitment I have to rescuing animals from death row in shelters. By adopting Buddy, I would eliminate one more foster home for a pound puppy to potentially stay in. So, I opted to not adopt Buddy, but to not settle on just any forever home. He was very emotionally and physically needy so I knew he needed family with kids, dogs, and a big back yard to run in. I knew he needed a family that was willing to give as much love as Buddy gave and one that loved his quirks through and through. After 3 months of wonderful bonding time with that little rascal, the perfect family came along. Their daughter (along with her parents) fell in love with him and knew he was right for her. They had just adopted a Pit Bull puppy that worships Buddy and follows him everywhere and runs and plays with him till he's tuckered out. They have a big backyard and a 6 foot fence so there was ample running space and not a chance of escape. They contact me regularly, giving me updates on Buddy's well being and he is in Buddy heaven! He gets to sleep on the bed with the daughter, run with the other dogs, and be spoiled! I couldn't have been happier! It will be only a matter of time before I foster again, but I've been so busy with house sitting I haven't had a chance.
Buddy! |