I recently pet sit for a special crew. Jax, the Jack Russell and Fox Terrier mix, holds a special place in my heart because I have known him his whole 8 years of life and is also my therapy partner through my work. What this means is, his momma let us become certified as a therapy team that gets to visit facilities to cheer up people in need. In my "About" section you will see our official photograph after we became certified. We visited the Wentworth retirement center for about a month and cheered up a few stellar elderly women who adored his kisses and lap hugs. He is a natural therapy dog and trots down the halls of Wentworth like he owns the place and absolutely everyone is watching him in his therapy parade. He even participated in the R.E.A.D. program for a while, which is the literacy program of Intermountain Therapy Animals (and the program I have the honor of coordinating) where children read to him to help boost their reading skills. He would get a little antsy doing this though and wanted to just chase the ball around so we decided to find a new niche. I truly have my dream job!
Anyway, back to house sitting! So Jax and I had a LOT of fun because I got to tend him over Halloween. I borrowed a friend's dog wings and dressed him up as a little butterfly! We went to a friend's party and he was the King of the Ball. He would trot around with his stout body and short legs, his wings fluttering, ready to take flight!
Sitting pretty butterfly |
There are the wings! I was a ninja :) |
In the pictures above you can see his "Sitting Pretty" pose. The people he visits at the Wentworth adore that! He knows he can get whatever he wants doing that pose! Here is one more of Jax sitting pretty!
One other thing that always gets me is when you talk to Jax. He really tries his hardest to understand what you are saying. He cocks his head to one side until you think he's going to flip himself over completely! I tried to get a good photo but he was always come out of it when I captured it, so the photo below only gives you a very small taste of Jax trying to understand. And it's so cute because the longer you talk to him, the further he turns his head to understand.

Jax isn't the only one in this household, though! He lives with his 4 Burmese kitty sisters: Mocha, Nutmeg, Bluebell, and Ginger. He's very sweet with them, licking them and cuddling with them, and sometimes he can be a bit of a big brother bully toward them. But overall they all seem to love each other. The cats are beautiful kitties who kind of remind me of the Korat, Kanga I wrote about in an earlier post. The 2 light kitties are a silver-blue color and the 2 darker are are deep chocolate color, all with big gold/green eyes.
Nutmeg and Ginger |
Bluebell reminds me the most of Kanga the Korat kitty from a previous post |
Every morning Bluebell would stand on the table and make this loud, deep, and funny meow like she was trying to shout something out! Usually she just wanted some love and one on one time.
Bluebell's sister, Ginger: she's slightly lighter in shade and very cuddly |
Nutmeg |
Nutmeg recently had eye surgery and only has one adorable eye, as you can see here in the above picture. She is sooooo cuddly. I would sit in bed ready to read a book and she'd walk right on top of the book and rub her head eagerly against my hand, or the edge of the book, or whatever would rub her. She's definitely the most outgoing toward me of all 4 of them.
Mocha | |
Mocha has the most ADORABLE face when with her eyes open. She looks like a caricature of a kitten, with her big eyes and tiny little nose. I tried and tried to capture it here, but she kept giving me her sleepy face. Still very cute though!
The kitties, Jax and I had so much fun together! I always get sad saying goodbye. But Jax and I will be on our next therapy adventure soon enough!