Today I finished house sitting for a quirky duo: a Maine Coon, Hootie and a Labrador Retriever, Maddie. Hootie is enormous and looks like a wild cat...from his 30 pound (?) body with bobcat-like markings to his lynx-like tufts of hair on his ears. If I saw him in the woods or on a boulder somewhere in the mountains, I would absolutely think he was a wild cat. Even his meow is not like a standard cat, like a growl or call rather than a meow. However, his completely sweet and social demeanor changes your mind instantly! He's so adorable and has such a lovable personality; and his purr can be heard across the room!
Maddie is also a silly creature. She is so eager to know what you are doing all of the time, following you around from room to room anticipating your next move. If you stand still or stop for too long she starts whimpering in anxiousness and need to keep moving! We had quite the scare last night when I was throwing the ball for her in the backyard. We've thrown the ball in the yard on multiple occasions but this time, as she disappeared into the darkness chasing the ball, I heard a very unassuming whimper from the trees. I called to her and she came limping out on one of her paws. She had a gash on the top of her paw. We went to the emergency room and it turns out the gash went all the way through to the bottom of her paw! It was so sad but she was so brave, practically elated as she usually is. Anyway, she got all stapled up and came home that same night. She has to wear a cute e-collar, or "Collar of Shame" as they refer to it in the movie Up. :) Plus her cute, bandaged paw has to be tied up in a plastic bag when she goes outside so it is quite the scene to see her stumbling around in the yard trying to potty.
Bucky, the Newfoundland, used to live with Maddie and Hootie but recently passed away. He was a gentle giant and I loved sitting for him. He and Maddie would wrestle and eat ice together. He had this adorable straight-haired fro on top of his head that would stand up like static electricity. He had a biggest and softest tongue that would cover your whole face from top to bottom and side to side. Plus, he was the best cuddler! I have included a picture of him and the rest of the gang below.
Bucky | | | | | | | | | | |
Bucky and Maddie |
Hootie | |
Hootie and Maddie. Hootie looks tiny here, I swear he's huge! |
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