Monday, May 14, 2012


Meet Jubai (pronounced “Joo-bay”), the bright-eyed, elderly Siberian Husky that I got to play with all week.  For an old guy he has a lot of personality.  The first thing he did to welcome me to his home was lunge himself off the backyard porch into an excited, arched, and not-so-gracious leap on the concrete, race a few laps around the grass and then run back into the house with a final leap from the rug in the kitchen to the carpet in the living room.  His enthusiasm was expressed with such a child-like shamelessness that I knew we’d be instant friends.  One thing I envy about the elderly is they get away with being blunt, clumsy, and irresistible all in one punch.  One thing to look forward to I guess!  

Being a Husky, Jubai was keenly aware, following me around room-to-room and howling when he was ready to go for a walk.  Walking was my favorite time with him.  No matter how many times we walked around the neighborhood he would inevitably excitedly bound to the very end of his retractable leash until it yanked him backward (and propelled me forward). Eventually I started to jog ahead a little bit to buffer the bounce-back effect but he never seemed to mind.  The enjoyment of being out in the sun and running about like a puppy again seemed to overshadow the bounce-back habit of his. 

Blue eyes...
I was given one of the highest compliments from Jubai's mom.  She said "Thank you so much!  It's really nice not having to worry about Jubai while we're gone. :)" That is what it's all about and why I do what I do: to provide a safe haven for animals in the comfort of their own home, where the parents/owners and the animal have peace of mind.

Can I please have a treat?

Wolf dog

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Les! I will always remember that moment vividly! It was probably the first time anyone ever cared what I thought and I remember being so impressed and grateful :) xoxo
